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Annual Kappa League Community Service and Alumni Day

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, the Kappa Leaguers celebrated their annual Community Service And Alumni day. during their December meeting each year they support the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter's Social Action Committee in collecting, donating and distributing travel-size toiletry items to include in gift bags for three local homeless shelters. Assisted by fraternity chapter members and Silhouettes, enough toiletries were collected to prepare 62 bountiful gift bags. Additionally, each December former Kappa Leaguers are invited to return for the purpose of sharing their assessment of our Kappa League chapter's impact on their high school to college matriculation. This year Darius McCallum, KL Class of 2023, a freshman at the College of William and Mary, and Elijah Nunnally, KL Class of 2022, a sophomore at Norfolk State University, were our guests.

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